Project Northstar, our free one-on-one tutoring and mentoring program, is accepting applications for Baltimore students in grades K-12. Students will be matched with their own volunteer who they work with for the duration of the year (and subsequent years if both continue with the program) by participating in both tutoring and mentoring activities.
Tutoring sessions take place every Monday and Thursday evening from 6:00-7:30 pm at Southeast Anchor Branch Library (3601 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, MD 21224). During the 90 minute sessions, students will work with their volunteers to complete their homework, and study for upcoming tests and quizzes. Students will also be provided with extra help – based on their individual math and reading needs – for days when they do not have homework.
After the student/tutor pairs have worked together for a few weeks, they will begin to participate in mentoring activities. These outings are planned by the volunteer and student/parent and can range from going to the movies or visiting a museum, to attending sporting events or meeting up for extra tutoring sessions.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Jennifer Townsend at
JTownsend@mppi.org or (410) 685-2525 or 202-340-6438 — 3701 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, MD 21224
Help Support our Work!
We need volunteer mentor-tutors, site coordinators & occasional substitute tutors. It costs us nearly $1,000 per year per student (typical for the field) to support the program and we always need financial support, too. This helps cover volunteer coordination, training & regular check-ins, criminal background checks, reading and math assessments 3 times a year, individualized learning plans, coordinating mentoring activities & holiday events, working with parents and students who are having difficulties or who have special needs, working with local food organizations to get students healthy meals at evening tutoring sessions, and recruiting new volunteers and students.